March 6, 2013

Google+ Profiles Get A New Look

If you haven't been on a profile in a while on Google+, now would be a good time to check one out. There are some major changes being rolled out today, including larger cover photos, a new layout, and new tabs. Personally I think the cover photo can be too big, but I also do think it really adds a wow factor to individual profiles.

However, I feel like I'm starting to see a trend with these updates. This update changes the interface in some significant ways, but we've seen this before. With Google Now. Notice how the individual tabs seem to have content split into it's own "cards" (the "About" tab is the most similar). Could this be a step towards a "card" user interface that we will see more of in Google, and perhaps Google Now for desktop will fit right in? I think it will. But as always, only time will tell.

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